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Sabtu, 15 Desember 2012


hell yeah back to basic dimana gw bakal kenalin kalian salah satu band hardcore jakarta yang masih still berkosidahan di beberapa gigs di cekibrot guys there's all MOVING OUT !!!

profil mereka berbahasa inggris so klo kalian g begitu ngerti bahasanya bisa gunakan google translate atw g pke cara old school buka aje kamus yg setebel kitab suffi hahaha

We are a hardcore band from Jakarta . this band started in the last 2009. we think that since the formation of MOVINGOUT we always chatting with friends to make a song, so get the song tracks. MOVINGOUT formed in november line-up consists of five men, line up movingout: Irfan Alwi / Microphone / Benny Larnov / Guitar / Noviandi Akbar / Guitar / Vasya Lutfi Zulfikar / Bass / Bayu Handika / Drum And MOVINGOUT wanted to say a big thank you to those who have support like that we like this without them we are nothing and for you who always supported us on the show :))

your still a long away!!

Mereka salah satu band HC yg patut di perhitungkan di kanca dunia persilatan band" hardcore yg lagi banyak"nya kaya jamur kering =))

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buruan ah follow mereka kalo kalian ingin kenal lebih dekat dan ingin tau kegiatan manggung mereka..

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